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사업 / 경영 / 행정 

마케팅 / 인사/ 고객관리 분야

취득 가능한 학위 리스트

BSB80215 - Graduate Diploma of Strategic Leadership


BSB80415 - Graduate Diploma of Portfolio Management


BSB80315 - Graduate Certificate in Leadership Diversity


BSB60207 - Advanced Diploma of Business


BSB60215 - Advanced Diploma of Business


BSB60407 - Advanced Diploma of Management


BSB60507 - Advanced Diploma of Marketing


BSB60515 - Advanced Diploma of Marketing


BSB60612 - Advanced Diploma of Work Health and Safety


BSB60615 - Advanced Diploma of Work Health and Safety


BSB60707 - Advanced Diploma of Project Management


BSB50207 - Diploma of Business


BSB50215 - Diploma of Business


BSB50311 - Diploma of Customer Contact


BSB50315 - Diploma of Cusotmer Engagement


BSB50407 - Diploma of Business Administration


BSB50415 - Diploma of Business Administration


BSB50507 - Diploma of Franchisiing


BSB50515 - Diploma of Franchising


BSB50613 - Diploma of Human Resources Management


BSB50615 - Diploma of Human Resources MAnagement


BSB51107 - Diploma of Management


BSB51207 - Diploma of Marketing


BSB51215 - Diploma of Marketing


BSB51312 - Diploma of Work Health and Safety


BSB51315 - Diploma of Work Health and Safety


BSB51413 - Diploma of Project Management


BSB51415 - Diploma of Project Management


BSB51607 - Diploma of Quality Auditing


BSB51615 - Diploma of Quality Auditing


BSB51915 - Diploma of Leadership and Management


BSB40107 - Certificate IV in Advertising


BSB40115 - Certificate IV in Advertising


BSB40212 - Certificate IV in Business


BSB40215 - Certificate IV in Business


BSB40312 - Certificate IV in Customer Contact


BSB40315 - Certificate IV in Customer Engagement


BSB40407 - Certificate IV in Small Business Management


BSB40415 - Certificate IV in Small Business Management


BSB40507 - Certificate IV in Business Administration


BSB40515 - Certificate IV in Business Administration


BSB40615 - Certificate IV in Business Sales


BSB40707 - Certificate IV in Franchising


BSB41013 - Certificate IV in Human Resources


BSB41015 - Certificate IV in Human Resources


BSB41315 - Certificate IV in Marketing


BSB41315 - Certificate IV in Marketing


BSB41412 - Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety


BSB41415 - Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety


BSB41513 - Certificate IV in Project Management Practice


BSB41515 - Certificate IV in Project Management Practice


BSB42015 - Certificate IV in Leadership and Management


BSB30112 - Certificate III in Business


BSB30115 - Certificate III in Business


BSB30211 - Certificate III in Customer Contact


BSB30215 - Certificate III in Customer Engagement


BSB30307 - Certificate III in Micro Business Operations


BSB30315 - Certificate III in Micro Business Operations


BSB30412 - Certificate III in Business Administration


BSB30415 - Certificate III in Business Administration


BSB30712 - Certificate III in Work Health and Safety


BSB30715 - Certificate III in Work Health and Safety


BSB31012 - Certificate III in Business Administration (Legal)


BSB31015 - Certificate III in Business Administration (Legal)


BSB31115 - Certificate III in Business Administration (Medical)


BSB20112 - Certificate II in Business


BSB20115 - Certificate II in Business


BSB20211 - Certificate II in Customer Contact


BSB20215 - Certificate II in Customer Engagement


BSB10112 - Certificate I in Business


BSB10115 - Certificate I in Business



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